The wedding was as joyful as any other; both parties were happy, but what made it even more amazing was the fact that it was backed by blockchain – it was, without a doubt, India’s first ‘blockchain wedding.’
Shruti Nair and Anil Narasipuram, both of Pune, were on their laptops shortly after their court marriage in November 2021, confirming their relationship in blockchain technology using a ‘Ethereum smart contract.’ Anoop Pakki, a ‘digital priest,’ mined an NFT on the OpenSea platform and transferred it to the couple — using Ethereum’s powers, of course.
Many people still find crypto, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and blockchain to be difficult to understand, but young India has made another step toward digital India with blockchain weddings.
“We won’t make any great promises, but we will do everything we can to make this work,” the pair recited from their vow. We aim to gain a better knowledge of one other and ourselves as a result of our disagreements and conflicts. We don’t expect to be each other’s entire village, but we will be there for each other, hand in hand, travelling through this trip together.” It was now included in their NFT. The blockchain ceremony was over in 15 minutes.
“The transaction is a permanent, immutable and public record of our commitment to each other on the ETH blockchain,” wrote Anil on his LinkedIn profile.
Digitally permanent and quick

Digital copyright tokens with unique identification codes for digital artworks, paintings, and other works of art are known as Non-Fungible Tokens. NFTs are protected by blockchain technology, which prevents them from being copied, pirated, or sold unlawfully. NFTs are now frequently traded in global markets all over the world.
The couple’s NFT consisted of a snapshot of Shruti’s engagement ring with their vows engraved on it. Anoop, the digital priest, mined it.
“It is like we signed a digital recorder-available on digital ledger and registered our wedding online,” Anil told a website.
“And now, by the power conferred in me by Ethereum, it is my joy and delight to declare you married,” the priest said. I’m delighted to introduce the newlyweds.” The transaction was completed quickly and cost $35 in Ethereum gas fees.
“I read some articles on how people in other countries were doing blockchain marriages and it motivated me,” Anil said. “Blockchain is here to stay — it comes with a lot of security and it also furthers democracy. You don’t have to be dependent on anyone for doing your things.”
The Metaverse has arrived.
While this marriage isn’t the first of its kind in the globe, it does demonstrate a shift in the tide. Rebecca Rose and Peter Kacherginsky exchanged their virtual rings (NFTs) through their iPhones during a traditional Jewish ceremony in the United States in March 2021. Their story went viral on the internet.
India will hold Asia’s first wedding celebration in the Metaverse on February 6th. According to The Indian Express, Dinesh Kshatriya and Janaganandhini Ramaswamy, a Tamil Nadu-based couple, have opted to have their Hogwarts-themed virtual wedding on Sunday. On Beyondlife.Club, GuardianLink.io, which facilitates the exchange of NFTs, has created a wedding NFT collection.
Virtual avatars of the bride, groom, and certain family members with a Harry Potter-themed background are included in the NFT collection. A total of 12 NFTs were made, as well as a 50-copy wedding invitation. The invitation cards were reportedly sold for $10 each, with one being resold for $100. One of the cards has already surpassed the $4,450 mark.