One of the world’s youngest college graduates, an 11-year-old child prodigy from Belgium, has graduated from the University of Antwerp with a degree in physics. Student modak, by the city of Ostend in Belgium, received a higher grade than everyone else in his class, achieving 85 percent.

The programme was also completed by Simons in one year rather than the usual three. At the age of eleven, Michael Kearney obtained an anthropology degree from the University of South Alabama and is now the world’s second youngest graduate.
Even though he was nine when he stepped out of the Netherlands’ Eindhoven University in 2019, when administrators refused to let him graduate before he turned ten on December 26.
He doesn’t really care whether he is the youngest. In this way, Simons is making progress toward the replacement of body parts with mechanical ones.
“It is my goal to become immortal.” As many bodily parts as possible should be replaced by mechanical components. To get there, I’ve planned my route. The puzzle could be compared to a large one” said Michael.
According to him, quantum physics is the earliest form of physics, and it deals with the tiniest particles.

His graduation and honors were validated by the University of Antwerp. A representative for Antwerp University confirmed the news in a report published by The Brussels Times. Since beginning his studies in March 2020, Simons has graduated with an 85 percent in physics, according to the report. A few courses at the master’s level have also been taken this year. Alexander Simons, Alexander Simons’ father, claimed he was criticized by Eindhoven University after his son quit due to all the media attention he was receiving so that his son could demonstrate his intellect, the spokeswoman.