Eating establishments are now offering digital food thanks to Non-fungible Tokens (NFTs). That’s right, you read that correctly. McDonald’s has made the switch from a McRib to an NFT. They will give them away to ten winners who will be picked through a sweepstakes. “Our McRib NFTs are digital copies of the fan favourite sandwich – almost as juicy as the McRib itself– and we’re giving them free to a select fortunate fans on Twitter starting November 1,” the firm said in a press statement. This special promotion commemorates McRib’s 40th anniversary. The best thing about a McRib NFT is that it’s available all year, even when it’s not on the menu.
To enter for a chance to win, follow @McDonalds on Twitter and retweet the Sweepstakes Invitation tweet from your public account any time between Nov. 1 and Nov. 7 from your public account, according to PR Newswire. They will choose ten fans by Nov. 12 to get the unique McRib NFT. McRib is a pork sandwich with a barbecue flavour that is only available in a few countries as a permanent menu item. It was previously cancelled because to low sales in the United States, but it still has a devoted following.

A liquor firm sold its own NFTs a few days ago, and they were a tremendous hit. Glenfiddich Whisky sold 15 bottles of rare whisky containing NFTs, each for Rs 13.5 lakh. The company teamed with BlockBar, a non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace, to develop a series of 15 limited edition liquor NFTs, according to PR News Wire. The tokens serve as evidence of ownership as well as a way for consumers to brag about their alcohol purchases. The bottles were said to have sold out in a matter of seconds.
NFTs, for those who are unfamiliar, are digital assets that represent real-world items. They serve as certificates of ownership as well as assurances of an item’s validity. Many people are cashing in on NFTs as digital money becomes more popular. Amitabh Bachchan, one of Bollywood’s biggest ever stars, is preparing to release his own NFTs, which will include some of the most distinctive and exclusive artworks around his identity.