A black hole is a portion of space that is so dense that it creates deep gravity sinks. Black holes’ powerful gravitational pull can be felt even by light beyond a certain region. The distance too close to a star, planet, or spacecraft will cause it to stretch and compress as putty, a process called spaghettification.

Black holes fall into four categories: stellar, intermediate, supermassive, and miniature. Stars die in black holes, which is the most common way for them to form. The end of a star’s life is marked by inflating, losing mass, and then cooling to form a white dwarf. Most of these massive stars will become either massive neutron stars or black holes if they are at least 10 to 20 times more massive than our sun.
A supernova is a massive explosion that occurs at the end of an enormous star’s lifespan. During such an explosion, the core of the star is left behind, but star matter is hurled into space. When it was alive, the star’s nuclear fusion generated an outward push to balance the gravity of its own mass. A supernova’s remnants, however, are not able to resist the gravitational pull of gravity, so they collapse in on themselves.
A black hole is created when the mass of an object collapses into an infinitely small point. Black holes are attracted by gravity due to their ability to pack so much mass – many times the mass of our own sun – into such a small area. It is possible that our Milky Way galaxy has thousands of stellar-mass black holes.
Black holes differ from one another
These cosmic monsters are likely to reside at the centers of most galaxies, as predicted by Einstein’s general theory of relativity. Sagittarius A* (pronounced “ay star”) is located at the center of the Milky Way galaxy. It is four million times more massive than our sun.

Black holes are theoretically the tiniest members of the family. Some 13.7 billion years ago, when the universe formed with the big bang, a tiny vortex of darkness may have arisen and then quickly vanished. The existence of intermediate-mass black holes in the universe has also been suspected by cosmologists, although evidence is thin on the ground.
A black hole, no matter how small it starts, can keep growing and swallowing anything that comes too close as they grow. When you fall into a black hole, gravity increases, and as a result, anything behind the event horizon will be spaghettified.
According to Neil Degrasse Tyson, “While you’re stretched, you’re squeezed, like toothpaste being squeezed out of a tube.”
In popular media, black holes are often portrayed as cosmic vacuum cleaners. This gravitational tug-of-war can be lost only if the objects get close enough to each other. As such, if the sun fell into a black hole of the same mass, our planets would continue to orbit unaffected, though much less bright and warm.
Black Holes: What’s inside?
The event horizon of a black hole, that notorious point of no return, is the place where the black hole meets the outside world. A black hole’s event horizon is determined by the escape speed exceeding light speed: to escape its gravity, you would have to be travelling faster than light (which is impossible).

Where physics goes crazy is at the event horizon. There is evidence that the fabric of time inside a black hole looks different depending on its history. You might see turbulence, twists, or something else entirely. There’s one thing you can be sure of, though: you’d die if you went against the tides.
Singularities are thought to reside within black holes. Singularities are black holes in which all the matter gets crushed together. At the center of the black hole many people talk about it as a point of infinite density — that’s not necessarily the case – it’s what classical physics describes, but it’s also where classical physics ends, so we shouldn’t take it literally.
Singularities in spinning black holes, under specific mathematical circumstances, become rings, not points. But in reality, that mathematical condition doesn’t exist. There is also the theory that the singularity actually extends beyond the event horizon as a whole surface. There’s no way to tell. Real-world black holes may not have singularities at all.
Can black holes be spotted directly?
Astronomers can’t spot black holes directly like they can the many glittery cosmic objects in the sky since black holes swallow all light. The existence of a black hole can be discerned by a few pieces of evidence.

An object that surrounds a black hole will be tugged by its intense gravity. This erratic movement is used by astronomers to determine the presence of the invisible monster that lurks nearby. Astronomers can detect black holes by detecting stars that orbit nothing, or by looking for objects that orbit them. The early 2000s were crucial to identifying the Sagittarius A* black hole.
Messy eaters often betray their location, as black holes are messy eaters. During the infalling of gas and dust, their gravitational and magnetic forces cause it to radiate as their massive gravity and magnetic forces heat it up. An accretion disk is a whirling region of glowing matter encircling the black hole. Black holes aren’t permanent for the matter they collect. Radiation-laden burps of infalling stardust can occasionally be seen coming from black holes.