General relativity, formulated by Albert Einstein, changed the way we think about time and space. There are, however, still a number of mysteries left. It was only in the last few years that black holes were unequivocally detected. Wormholes provide a means for space travelers to connect different points in spacetime, theoretically allowing them to take shortcuts.
The concept of wormholes remains a fantasy. We may soon be able to detect them as well, according to some scientists. A number of recent studies suggest intriguing approaches in the past few months.

When the structure of spacetime is strongly bent by gravity, black holes and wormholes appear as special types of solutions to Einstein’s equations. Matter can become so dense that even light cannot escape the fabric of spacetime if it is extremely dense. Black holes like this exist.
Due to the theory’s ability to stretch and bend spacetime, there are an unlimited number of possible configurations. A bridge between two universes was described by Einstein and Nathan Rosen in 1935, when they described how two sheets of spacetime can be connected. Imaginations have since expanded to include many different types of wormholes.
There may be wormholes that humans can pass through easily, meaning they may be traversable. Nevertheless, to do so, the holes would need to be sufficiently large and be able to resist gravity’s strong pull. This type of expansion of spacetime would take a tremendous amount of “negative energy”.
Science fiction, huh? The laboratory has already produced small amounts of negative energy. Positive energy has also been identified as the driving force behind accelerated expansion within the universe. Hence, wormholes may have been made by nature.
Theory of wormholes
They were originally called wormholes, but that wasn’t their name in 1916. Ludwig Flamm, an Austrian physicist, realized another solution was possible after reviewing another physicist’s solution to Albert Einstein’s equations in his theory of general relativity. White holes are hypothetical reversals of black holes, described by Einstein. There may be a space-time conduit connecting the entrances to black holes and white holes.

Nathan Rosen and Einstein elaborated on the idea of “bridges” in 1935 through the use of the theory of general relativity. A bridge could theoretically create a shortcut between two points in time, which could reduce the travel time and distance between them. Einstein-Rosen bridges and wormholes are terms for these shortcuts.
Physicist Stephen Hsu told LiveScience that the whole thing is only hypothetical at this point. “There is no hope of finding a wormhole for a long time.”
Two mouths connect a wormhole to its throat, forming a wormhole. They are likely to have spheroidal mouths. There may be a straight stretch in the throat, but it may also be rounded off, making for a longer route than is typical.
In general relativity, Einstein predicted that wormholes would exist, but they have not yet been discovered. By observing the way light passes through a wormhole’s gravity, you may be able to locate a negative mass one.

According to general relativity, there are solutions in which black holes are the mouths of wormholes. Naturally occurring black holes, which are created when a dying star collapses, cannot by themselves create wormholes.
Here are eight fascinating facts about Wormholes:
1.Einstein-Rosen wormholes are also called Einstein-Rosen bridges
2. Wormholes are nothing more than theories. In the past or in the present, there is no proof wormholes existed.
3. In terms of imagery, a wormhole can be compared to a tunnel that has two ends, both of which end up somewhere else in spacetime. Depending on the points, you can reach different locations or points in time.
4. The wormhole can also be seen as a piece of cake eaten by an earthworm. A piece of the cake sticks out the top, but the other end sticks out the bottom.
5. It is thought that wormholes could be used to travel faster than the speed of light, allowing us to discover the universe and the galaxies in it.
6. Traveling back in time via a traversable wormhole is theoretically possible, but not into the future.
7. It is theoretically possible to communicate with characters from parallel universes or travel between them using wormholes.
8. John Archibald Wheeler and Charles Misner co-authored a 1957 paper in which they coined the term “wormhole”.
Finding wormholes in the sky
Wormholes cannot be proven to exist, so when will we know for sure? According to a new paper published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Society, astronomers from Russia suggest such objects may exist at the centres of some extremely bright galaxies and propose an observation method for finding them. We calculate the outcome based on how matter would collide with matter falling into the wormhole from one side. Using a telescope, we could attempt to observe gamma rays generated by the crash.

Previously assumed to be indistinguishable from the outside, radiation could be the key to determining the difference between wormholes and black holes. The gamma rays would be emitted in a jet from black holes, but radiation from wormholes would be contained in a giant sphere. This study considers a wormhole that can be traversed, but it wouldn’t be a pleasant journey. In a galaxy with an active center, temperatures would be so high that everything would be burnt to a crisp due to the high heat. Those further from the galactic center might not find this true for all wormholes.
A wormhole at the heart of a galaxy is not a brand new idea. The supermassive black hole that forms the center of the Milky Way is an example. A major achievement that won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2020 was the study of stars near a black hole, which was discovered after tracking their orbits. One recent study suggests that wormholes may be responsible for this gravitational pull.
A wormhole is not as dense as a black hole, so gravity may be leaked from the objects on the other side. Stars orbiting near the galactic center would experience this strange gravitational effect. In light of this report, we can expect to observe the specific effect soon, as instruments become more sensitive.
Interestingly, some “odd radio circles” have recently been spotted in the sky by yet another study. Strangely, these circles do not appear to be associated with anything. In the meantime, their puzzling nature defies conventional explanations, hence the idea that wormholes might be responsible.