Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are offered by a company called Kiwi that has teamed up with comic book juggernaut Marvel.

Using its VeVe app, Orbis Blockchain Technologies Ltd. in Auckland sells digital artworks and virtual models that customers can view on their phones and interact with in a virtual gallery.
Iron Man, Captain America, Thor and The Hulk are just a few of the 8000 Marvel characters.

This partnership will allow VeVe to use these characters to make future NFTs, which is expected to result in a huge boom in products and products sales.
NFTs are the latest digital craze based on blockchain technology that authenticates a piece of digital content as an original and as belonging to a particular individual, similar to an auction house supplying a certificate of authenticity for a piece of art.
In addition to limited edition digital comics, VeVe’s co-founder David Yu said the group’s deal may in the future make them as collectible as the real things.
He said Mattel, which makes Barbie, will also be partnering with the company soon.

“Just as much as the product,” Marvel’s executive vice president Dan Buckley says of the VeVe decision.
As Buckley said, “We are looking forward to continuing that experience next year.”.
VeVe’s clients spend thousands of dollars on digital collectibles but many Kiwis will never have heard of VeVe until they search YouTube.
One video shows a single user spending roughly $US70,000 in a buying frenzy on the app’s secondary market.
More than 340,000 users have purchased over 580,000 NFT digital collectibles through VeVe since December.
Over $40 million in sales have been reported.
When VeVe launched, Dan Crothers, its co-founder, said it reflected four years of hard work.
“A new opportunity was presented to us back in 2017.”
A recent NFT, Superman, was limited to 8888, sold for $50, and was gone in 30 seconds, according to Yu.

The DeLorean time machines sold in one day by VeVe in April were 87,500 units.
They generated more than $6 million and were priced between $30 and US$90.
Slimer digital model sold out in 15 seconds of being released by Ghostbusters in June.
Unlike other artwork, NFTs do not have physical components and derive value from the fact that they are limited and can be proved to be owned by the customer.
Having an NFT is comparable to owning the Mona Lisa, as opposed to owning a high-resolution photo of it.
On April 1, the Overly Attached Girlfriend meme and Disaster Girl meme, which became internet memes, were sold for over $650,000 and $586,000, respectively.
Kiwi has joined hands with Marvel to make games better and more exciting.

Ever since the summer of 2018, the new worldwide phenomenon has been Marvel’s “Black Widow.” Her appearance and role in the latest Avengers film set the foundation for the debut of a new trading card game – Marvel Heroes Trading Card Game. The game is developed by Gamecock Media Group and Cryptozoic Entertainment. There are various cards in the game that you can get for free and spend money on. Here we see how Kiwi, the new NFT Company, has joined hands with Marvel to make the game better and more exciting.