Tattoos have been around for centuries and have always been in style. In the past, people have had to work to find the perfect tattoo artist for their liking. There are many talented artists out there but many of them have decided to take their talents elsewhere. The crypto space has changed all that with an innovative new system that will make this process more transparent and fair. It is called Tattoo Industry Tokens, or TAT for short.
One of the world’s most iconic industries is about to enter the cryptocurrency space. Scott Campbell, a well-known tattoo artist and co-founder of the world-renowned Coney Island Tattoo Company, is doing just that. Coney Island Tattoo Company is launching a new token for the tattoo industry called CIN, which stands for “Connected Ink Network.” This network will use the blockchain to allow artists to market their artwork on social media platforms, online stores, and with a range of retailers around the world.
Scott Campbell is not only bringing the tattoo industry to the world of NFT, but also bringing $3 Billion. Scott Campbell is the CEO of LegalFling, a company that creates digital tokens for the blockchain and their main product is tattooed data. By using their platform, it is possible to verify that tattoos are legitimate and make sure they aren’t stolen. Tattoos can be worth a lot of money and there are people out there who have tattoos that could be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. Tattoos are also irreplaceable and are a piece of someone’s identity. Scott Campbell is making it possible for people to get their tattoos verified and make sure that they can’t be replaced with something fake.
This blog will teach you how this new system works and how you can participate in the future of the industry!
Is NFT the key to tattoos becoming bankable art?

Some of the world’s most coveted tattoos are displayed on public platforms, including LeBron James’ shoulders, Scarlett Johansson’s back, and Post Malone’s face.
There are no galleries that exhibit tattoos, nor any auction houses that sell them. Their owners live with them until their death (unless they were previously removed). Also, tattoo artists who are in high demand are still paid by the hour, just like they were when they decorated sailors and bikers’ biceps during their apprenticeship.
Scott Campbell, 44, a Los Angeles tattoo artist who has worked with Robert Downey Jr., Jennifer Aniston, and Marc Jacobs, argues that tattoo artists are not generally paid by the hour. The length of time that it takes musicians to create a song does not determine their compensation. If you go to a gallery, you would never wonder how long it took the artist to complete the painting? My time is valuable, so I will compensate him.
In his new All Our Best marketplace, Scott Campbell hopes to boost tattooists’ incomes, who charge an hourly fee at the moment. A geometric tattoo by Scott Campbell.
In partnership with tattoo artists such as Mark Machado (known as Mr. Cartoon) and Brian Woo (Dr. Woo), Campbell is seeking a more equitable approach to tattooing.
In the coming week, Campbell is beginning to offer tattooing as a permanent, tradable commodity through a new kind of marketplace called All Our Best.
NFTs, which stand for non-fungible tokens, are essentially digital stamps of authenticity that can be acquired, traded or bought on blockchains. Tattoo artists, even those working on Hollywood stars, are often capped at around $1,000 for a one- to three-hour session.
The new marketplace is designed for customers interested in buying tattoo design rights rather than actual tattoos themselves. Campbell blurs the line between tattoo and fine arts by making tattoo-inspired sculptures and paintings, which are shown at galleries and art fairs. He says he is selling you an idea, rather than just hours of his time. According to NFT, digital baseball cards are essentially NFTs.
Providing a guaranteed appointment with the tattoo artist is one of the perks of ownership – especially for those outside the orbit of celebrities who find it difficult to book a consultation.
There is no requirement for that. Virgin skin may be preserved by some owners.
Even a different tattoo artist could apply ink on top of a NFT tattoo — and still claim the piece as an “original.” (Copies of tattoos without the artist’s permission are rampant.)
There are just a few well-known artists who are featured initially on All Our Best: Campbell, Mr. Cartoon, Dr. Woo, Grime, Sean from Texas, and Tati Compton. A tattoo artist can, in the future, sell work on Campbell’s marketplace.
Not only he sees opportunities in blockchain, but many tattoo artists do, too. In Portland, Maine, an artist named Brad Wooten sells computer-generated tattoo photos through a company called New Fantastic Tattoos.

The earning potential is considerable. Prices for the initial round of NFT tattoos on All Our Best will range from $1,000 to $10,000. The blockchain technology also allows artists to make a 10% royalty every time a work is resold.
Clients also stand to profit if the work appreciates, unlike the current setup where “the only thing they get out of the deal is an Instagram post and some bragging rights,” Campbell said. “They actually have something that they can keep and pass onto their kids, that has a life beyond being just that thing on their arm that in 10 years is going to be sunburned and blurry anyway.”
The tattoo industry is one of the most lucrative industries on the planet. For the first time ever, this highly-profitable industry is now being taken to the next level by digitizing it with cryptocurrency. Scott Campbell is a very successful entrepreneur who has been in the tattoo industry for over 20 years. He wants to change the world of tattooing and forever change how people get tattoos. Scott’s token, which will be called NFT, will be used for different types of transactions in the tattoo industry. These transactions can range from buying products from companies that manufacture tattoo machines to getting a tattoo.